The demand for solar panels has increased drastically in the past decade due to wonderful new technological breakthroughs. It has become a worldwide trend and many new solar manufacturers have popped up all over the world.
This switch has many obvious advantages, including financial and eco-friendly benefits. There are some disadvantages as well as many of these companies are producing inferior solar products. Call one of our solar pros today and make sure you install the right solar panels for your budget and needs..
Solar panels will make you energy-independent. They allow you to generate all or most of the energy you need in your home or business facility. The solar panels will power your building in the daytime. Our pros can also install batteries to store electricity and supply power during the nighttime. The batteries can also power your building on rainy days.
Solar electricity will protect you from expensive utility bills that increase each year and put you in charge of your energy usage. Harnessing radiation from sun and converting that to usable forms of energy to power your home and business costs nothing once your solar electric system is installed. Spend less on utility bills and more on other more important priorities in your life.
Our pros can also help you connect your solar panels to the energy grid. That way, you can send unused power from your solar panel to the energy grid. And on rainy days, you will take back what you have “loaned” to the energy grid without having to pay.
The typical fuel-generated electricity gets to your home or office via extensive power lines. As the electricity travels down these power lines, there will be some power losses. In other words, long-distance transmission leads to an inevitable waste of energy and poor electricity efficiency. Solar panels prevent these from happening because they use a short transmission distance.
Remember that the solar panels will be right on the roof of your building. They get solar energy, convert it to electric power, and transmit it into the building. No long distance and no energy wasted! Without doubts, rooftop solar power increases electricity efficiency.
Our pros can help you find the best solar panel match for your building and energy needs. If you are looking for the best solar thermal panels or solar photovoltaic panels for your building, call them up. They will listen to your needs, give you a quote, and execute the project to your needs.